SBA Concern, in cooperation with ProBaltic Consulting, has successfully developed and run the project on training vocational skills of executives and employees in adaptation to the changing market environment and implementation of modern solutions (SBATRAIN) under the measure “Human Resources Development in Enterprises”.

SBA Concern operates in the following 4 business areas: furniture, apparel, business centres and energy. The SBA Group’s rotation and career policy requires its executives and other employees to rotate and work in different companies within the SBA Concern Group. The company’s strategy has revealed the need to improve skills of employees working in marketing, sales, and human resource fields. Based on the identified needs, the plan of training required for SBA Concern Group’s employees was developed to the value of 540,380.27 Euro. ProBaltic Consulting has helped SBA Concern to select the right financial scheme and to assess the needs and supply of training.

In total, 700 employees in 9 SBA Group’s companies (UAB SBA Concern, UAB „SBA“ baldų įmonė, AB „Klaipėdos baldai“, AB „Šilutės baldai“, AB „Kauno baldai“, UAB „Visagino linija“, UAB „Klaipėdos baldų prekyba“, UAB „Effigy“, AB „Utenos trikotažas“) were trained during the project. The developed skills of SBA Group’s employees allowed SBA Concern to improve its performance.

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