ProBaltic Consulting has helped to prepare R&D project, which is expected to create a meta-based information system that will allow optimization of both static and dynamic production plans in the “cloud”. This system will be used for the tasks of planning (optimal plan) that are extremely complex and with many different conditions. The planned implementation of the project has direct links to the intellectual production and service provision process management systems.

ProBaltic Consulting has helped to prepare R&D project, which is expected to create a meta-based information system that will allow optimization of both static and dynamic production plans in the “cloud”. This system will be used for the tasks of planning (optimal plan) that are extremely complex and with many different conditions. The planned implementation of the project has direct links to the intellectual production and service provision process management systems – custom integrated or autonomous information communication technology systems with the organizational subsidiaries required for their operation, as well as self-sustained and intuitive interface systems for flexible and integrated management of product production and other product value chain processes in real time: collect, store, process and visualize data, manage and diagnose technological equipment and / or ensure optimum product lifecycle (remotely manage existing products or services, collect, anonymize, analyze data, etc.).

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