UAB Komfovent, in cooperation with ProBaltic Consulting, has successfully implemented the project on installation of laboratory equipment, required to create an innovative heating and ventilation system with lower energy consumption, better ecological, economic and ergonomic features under the measure “Intelligence LT +”.

UAB Komfovent is one of the largest air handling units and ventilation systems producing company in Baltic states. More rigid requirements to the building energy efficiency have demanded from the market to develop and supply innovative heating and ventilation systems, having lower energy consumption, better ecological, economic features and ergonomics. To produce such innovative heating and ventilation systems, the company had to purchase additional laboratory equipment.

ProBaltic Consulting has helped UAB Komfovent to select the right financial scheme, to assess feasibilities of the idea, suitability of the project, and to attract funding.

Under the project, the air heating and ventilation system research laboratory was equipped. Thanks to the purchased laboratory equipment, UAB Komfovent has cut its costs, attaied a better quality of products, and expanded their functional capabilities. Installation of new energy-efficient components of building heating and ventilation systems allowed the company to become more competitive in domestic and neighbouring markets. There was also created an added-value during the project: growth of exports in the industry increased, new jobs created, and thermal pollution reduced.

The acquired equipment allowed to create the innovative heating and ventilation system, with lower energy consumption, better ecological, economic and ergonomic features.

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